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Interactive, knowledge-guided visualization of 3D medical imagery


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One of the most important and difficult decision-making tasks is that of interpreting three-dimensional (3D) medical imagery. This information-intensive task typically requires expediency, accuracy and reliability in both the visual presentation as well as in the interpretation of complex information. We present an approach that facilitates this task by using domain knowledge to assist in the interpretation and visualization of 3D cardiac imagery. The objective is to provide the clinician with a more efficient, reliable, comprehensive, and clinically useful manner with which to accurately interpret and display large amounts of complex information. These objective are met by capturing and representing the visual reasoning process in a computational model, and providing the user with an intuitive graphical and textural representation of the data, as well as explanations, justifications, and interactive data visualizations. The approach is illustrated with cardiovasular 3D SPECT tomographic perfusion imagery, a technique aimed at diagnosing heart disease.
机译:最重要和最困难的决策任务之一是解释三维(3D)医学图像。在视觉呈现以及复杂信息的解释中,这种信息密集型任务通常需要方便,准确和可靠。我们提供一种通过使用领域知识来协助3D心脏成像的解释和可视化来促进此任务的方法。目的是为临床医生提供一种更有效,可靠,全面和临床有用的方式,以准确地解释和显示大量复杂信息。通过捕获和表示计算模型中的视觉推理过程,并为用户提供数据的直观图形和纹理表示以及说明,理由和交互式数据可视化,可以满足这些目标。心血管3D SPECT断层扫描灌注成像说明了该方法,该技术旨在诊断心脏病。



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