首页> 外文期刊>Education Inquiry >Building Pedagogies. A historical study of teachers’ spatial work in new school architecture

Building Pedagogies. A historical study of teachers’ spatial work in new school architecture

机译:建筑教学。 新校区教师空间工作的历史研究



This article addresses schoolteachers’ spatial work in the process of inhabiting and using a new school building. The study focuses on a historical case of a Danish open-plan school built in the early 1970s and shows how the teachers’ spatial work engages with questions of the organisation of bodies, sound, furniture and teaching aids. The article uses Tim Ingold’s notion of making – stressing the making of architecture, as well as pedagogy, as a continuous and never-ending process – and Karen Barad’s theory of agential realism to explore the teachers’ spatial work as part of the intra-actions of and mutual coming into being of school space, pedagogical ideas, teachers and pupils. Finally, the article analyses the transnational entanglements of the teachers’ spatial work through a discussion of the open-plan school as an architectural and pedagogical model found across the globe.
机译:本文涉及小学营者在居住的过程中的空间工作,并使用新的学校建设。 该研究侧重于20世纪70年代初建造的丹麦开放式学校的历史案例,并展示了教师的空间工作如何与组织机构,声音,家具和教学助手的问题。 这篇文章使用Tim Ingold的制造概念 - 强调建筑的制作,以及教育学,作为一个连续和永无止境的过程 - 以及凯伦巴拉德的主动现实理论,以探索教师的空间工作作为境内行动的一部分 与学校空间,教学理念,教师和学生的相互进入。 最后,本文通过讨论开放式学校作为全球的建筑和教学模式,分析了教师空间工作的跨国纠缠。



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