首页> 外文期刊>Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences >An Exploration of Discoursal Construction of Identity in Academic Writing

An Exploration of Discoursal Construction of Identity in Academic Writing




This study focused on how second/foreign language writers enact, construct, and invent themselves through writing. Hyland's model of metadiscourse (2004a) used as the analytical tool for analyzing texts. Based on a corpus of 30 research articles, the overall distribution of evidential markers, hedges, boosters, attitude markers, and self-mentions were calculated across four rhetorical sections (Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Discussion and Conclusion) of the research articles. According to the results, identity is a critical aspect of writing and that it should be brought into the mainstream of second/foreign language writing pedagogy through consciousness raising or the specific teaching of certain features.
机译:这项研究的重点是第二语言/外语作家如何通过写作来制定,建构和发明自己。 Hyland的元话语模型(2004a)被用作分析文本的分析工具。基于30篇研究文章的语料库,计算了研究文章的四个修辞部分(摘要,引言,方法论,讨论和结论)的证据标记,树篱,助推器,态度标记和自我提及的总体分布。根据结果​​,身份是写作的关键方面,应通过提高意识或特定特征的特定教学,将身份纳入第二语言/外语写作教学法的主流。



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