首页> 外文期刊>Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences >Instant Messaging and Microblogging: Situated-Learning Platforms for Educationists and Workplace Mentors

Instant Messaging and Microblogging: Situated-Learning Platforms for Educationists and Workplace Mentors




We explore how newcomers learn to socialize into the workplace through instant messaging and microblogging. Findings demonstrate that instant messaging can be one mechanism of learning the normative ways of 1) making calls and 2) shifting discussions between the online and offline, while microblogging can be another mechanism of learning the culture of 1) bantering humor and 2) social talk ignoring the physical official hierarchy. We conclude that it is the features of instant messaging and microblogging which characterize newcomers’ use in workplace learning, arguing that the instant messengers and microblogs can function as “situated-learning platforms” on the Internet in which people can learn and practice the normative ways of doing things simultaneously. We suggest that instant messaging and microblogging could be considered as “subjects to be learnt” for teachers and workplace mentors, rather than merely “tools for learning” for workplace newcomers.
机译:我们探索新人如何通过即时消息和微博学习如何社交进入工作场所。研究结果表明,即时消息传递可能是一种学习以下方式的一种机制:1)拨打电话; 2)在在线和离线之间转移讨论;而微博则可能是另一种学习文化的机制:1)幽默和2)社交对话忽略实际的官僚等级制度。我们得出的结论是,即时消息和微博的功能是新移民在工作场所学习中的特征,他们认为即时通讯工具和微博可以充当Internet上的“现场学习平台”,人们可以在其中学习和实践规范性方法。同时做事。我们建议,即时消息和微博可被视为教师和职场导师的“学习对象”,而不仅仅是职场新人的“学习工具”。



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