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Is instant messaging the future of workplace communication for oral and maxillofacial surgery?


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Introduction With the increasing complexity of healthcare provision, communication and collaboration between healthcare providers is critical to deliver safe high-quality care. Huge advances have been made in health information systems in the 21st century, and most major institutions have adopted electronic medical records. However, these systems are primarily designed for computerised clinical documentation, and the communication technologies used in healthcare organisations have lagged behind. 3 Many hospitals continue to rely on traditional numeric pagers for standard communication, despite well-documented limitations and the resulting impact on healthcare quality. Bleeps mean that you have to stop what you are doing, find a phone and risk the caller not being there anymore. To many, this may seem ludicrous, as paging became an out-dated mode communication with the introduction of affordable mobile phones in the late 1990s.
机译:简介随着医疗保健提供的复杂性日益增加,医疗保健提供者之间的沟通和协作对于提供安全的高质量护理至关重要。在21世纪,健康信息系统取得了巨大进步,大多数主要机构都采用了电子病历。但是,这些系统主要是为计算机化的临床文档设计的,医疗机构中使用的通信技术已经落后。 3尽管有充分记录的限制及其对医疗质量的影响,但许多医院仍继续依靠传统的数字寻呼机进行标准通信。哔哔声意味着您必须停止正在做的事情,找到电话,并冒着呼叫者不在的危险。对许多人来说,这似乎很荒谬,因为在1990年代末,随着廉价手机的问世,寻呼已成为一种过时的通信方式。



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