首页> 外文期刊>The journal of immunology >Inhibition of Functional T Cell Priming and Contact Hypersensitivity Responses by Treatment with Anti-Secondary Lymphoid Chemokine Antibody During Hapten Sensitization

Inhibition of Functional T Cell Priming and Contact Hypersensitivity Responses by Treatment with Anti-Secondary Lymphoid Chemokine Antibody During Hapten Sensitization




Recent studies have suggested a pivotal role for secondary lymphoid chemokine (SLC) in directing dendritic cell trafficking from peripheral to lymphoid tissues. As an extension of these studies, we examined the consequences of anti-SLC Ab treatment during Ag priming on T cell function in an inflammatory response. We used a model of T cell-mediated inflammation, contact hypersensitivity (CHS), where priming of the effector T cells is dependent upon epidermal dendritic cell, Langerhans cells, and migration from the hapten sensitization site in the skin to draining lymph nodes. A single injection of anti-SLC Ab given at the time of sensitization with FITC inhibited Langerhans cell migration into draining lymph nodes for at least 3 days. The CHS response to hapten challenge was inhibited by anti-SLC Ab treatment in a dose-dependent manner. Despite the inhibition of CHS, T cells producing IFN-γ following in vitro stimulation with anti-CD3 mAb or with hapten-labeled cells were present in the skin-draining lymph nodes of mice treated with anti-SLC Ab during hapten sensitization. These T cells were unable, however, to passively transfer CHS to naive recipients. Animals treated with anti-SLC Ab during hapten sensitization were not tolerant to subsequent sensitization and challenge with the hapten. In addition, anti-SLC Ab did not inhibit CHS responses when given at the time of hapten challenge. These results indicate an important role for SLC during sensitization for CHS and suggest a strategy to circumvent functional T cell priming for inflammatory responses through administration of an Ab inhibiting dendritic cell trafficking.
机译:最近的研究表明,次级淋巴趋化因子(SLC)在指导树突状细胞从外周组织向淋巴组织的运输中起关键作用。作为这些研究的扩展,我们研究了在抗炎反应中,Ag引发期间抗SLC Ab治疗对T细胞功能的影响。我们使用了T细胞介导的炎症,接触性超敏反应(CHS)模型,其中效应T细胞的启动取决于表皮树突状细胞,Langerhans细胞以及从皮肤中半抗原致敏部位向引流淋巴结的迁移。在用FITC致敏时单次注射抗SLC Ab抑制兰格汉斯细胞迁移到引流淋巴结中至少3天。抗SLC Ab治疗以剂量依赖性方式抑制CHS对半抗原攻击的反应。尽管抑制了CHS,在半抗原致敏过程中,用抗SLC Ab治疗的小鼠的皮肤引流淋巴结中仍存在用抗CD3 mAb或半抗原标记的细胞体外刺激后产生IFN-γ的T细胞。但是,这些T细胞无法将CHS被动转移给幼稚的受体。在半抗原致敏过程中用抗SLC Ab治疗的动物不能耐受随后的致敏和半抗原攻击。此外,在半抗原攻击时给予抗SLC Ab不会抑制CHS反应。这些结果表明,SLC在CHS致敏过程中起着重要作用,并提出了通过施用抑制树突状细胞运输的Ab来规避功能性T细胞引发炎症反应的策略。



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