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GraphoLearn India: The Effectiveness of a Computer-Assisted Reading Intervention in Supporting Struggling Readers of English




India, a country with a population of more than 1.3 billion individuals, houses the world’s second largest educational system. Despite this, 100 of millions of individuals in India are still illiterate. As English medium education sweeps the country, many are forced to learn in a language which is foreign to them. Those living in poverty further struggle to learn English as it tends to be a language which they have no prior exposure to and no support at home for. Low-quality schools and poor instructional methods further exacerbate the problem. Without access to quality education, these individuals continue to struggle and are ultimately never given the chance to break the cycle of poverty. The aim of this study was to determine whether GraphoLearn, a computer-assisted reading tool, could be used to support the English reading skills of struggling readers in India. Participants were 7-year-old, grade 3 students (N = 30), who were attending an English-medium public school in Ahmedabad, India. English was not a native language for any of the students and all were reading at a level below that of Grade 1 despite having attended school for 2 years. Half of the students played GraphoLearn (n = 16) while the other half played a control math game (n = 14) for 20–30 min a day, over a period of 8 weeks. GraphoLearn led to significant improvements in children’s letter-sound knowledge, a critical factor in early reading development. Overall, the study opens doors for GraphoLearn as a potential intervention to support struggling readers of English in India, including those who are learning a non-native language and coming from at-risk backgrounds.
机译:印度是一个人口超过13亿的国家,拥有世界第二大教育体系。尽管如此,印度仍有1亿人是文盲。随着英语中等教育席卷全国,许多人被迫用他们不熟悉的语言学习。那些生活在贫困中的人进一步努力学习英语,因为英语往往是他们以前没有接触过,也没有在家支持的语言。低质量的学校和不良的教学方法进一步加剧了这个问题。这些人得不到优质教育,将继续挣扎,最终永远得不到打破贫困循环的机会。这项研究的目的是确定是否可以使用GraphoLearn(一种计算机辅助阅读工具)来支持印度苦苦挣扎的读者的英语阅读技能。参加者是7岁的3年级学生(N = 30),他们正在印度艾哈迈达巴德的一所英语中等公立学校就读。对于任何一个学生来说,英语都不是母语,尽管他们已经上了2年学年,但是所有人的阅读水平都低于1年级。一半的学生在8周内每天玩GraphoLearn(n = 16),另一半则玩控制数学游戏(n = 14),每天20-30分钟。 GraphoLearn极大地改善了儿童的字母发音知识,这是早期阅读发展的关键因素。总体而言,该研究为GraphoLearn开辟了大门,可作为一种潜在的干预措施,以支持在印度苦苦挣扎的英语阅读者,包括那些学习非母语和来自高风险背景的人。



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