首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Medical Library Association : >“Game on!” Teaching gamification principles for library instruction to health sciences information professionals using interactive, low-tech activities and design-thinking modalities

“Game on!” Teaching gamification principles for library instruction to health sciences information professionals using interactive, low-tech activities and design-thinking modalities




Background Gamification is correlated with increased motivation and engagement of learners and is increasingly being incorporated into library instruction. Opportunities for librarians to learn and practice principles of gamification can be helpful for those desiring to incorporate gamification into instruction. This report describes the development and delivery of an interactive special content session at MLA ’18, the 2018 Medical Library Association annual meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, focusing on principles of low-tech game design for health sciences library classroom instruction. Case Presentation The special content session, titled “Design, Play, Learn: A Special Content Session to Design a Game for Database Instruction,” was designed and delivered using multimodal instruction (e.g., flipped classroom, didactic component, active learning) that also incorporated principles of design thinking. A pre- and post-survey was given to all participants at the beginning and end of the session to measure confidence and desire to incorporate gamification into instruction and as a formative feedback indicator for instructors. Participants reported increased confidence and desire to use games for library instruction after participating in the session. A selection of games was uploaded to a shared content folder designed for course participants as an ongoing repository for ideas and communication. Conclusions For librarians who are interested in incorporating principles of gamification into library instruction, attending a relatively short hands-on workshop can facilitate learning and confidence around prototyping and creating games for use in library instruction. We intend to improve upon the workshop and offer it again in additional contexts, based on direct observations of the session and participant feedback.
机译:背景技术游戏化与学习者的积极性和参与性增加相关,并且越来越多地被纳入图书馆教学中。图书馆员学习和实践游戏化原则的机会可能对那些希望将游戏化纳入教学的人们有所帮助。本报告描述了在MLA ’18上开发和交付的互动式特殊内容会议,该会议是在佐治亚州亚特兰大举行的2018年医学图书馆协会年度会议,重点讨论了针对健康科学图书馆课堂教学的低技术游戏设计原则。案例演示特别内容会议名为“设计,玩耍,学习:为数据库教学设计游戏的特殊内容会议”是使用多模式指令(例如,翻转教室,教学组件,主动学习)设计和交付的设计思维原理。在课程开始和结束时,对所有参与者进行了调查前和调查后,以衡量将游戏化纳入教学的信心和愿望,并作为教师的形成性反馈指标。参加者报告说,参加会议后,人们越来越有信心并希望使用游戏进行图书馆教学。选定的游戏已上传到为课程参与者设计的共享内容文件夹中,作为想法和交流的持续存储库。结论对于有兴趣将游戏化原理整合到图书馆教学中的图书馆员,参加一个相对较短的动手研讨会可以促进学习和建立原型以及创建用于图书馆教学的游戏的信心。我们打算改进研讨会,并根据对会议的直接观察和与会人员的反馈,在其他情况下再次提供该研讨会。



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