首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports >Enterocutaneous fistula due to neglected strangulated hernia

Enterocutaneous fistula due to neglected strangulated hernia




Inguinal hernia is a frequent surgical condition encountered in pediatric age group. It may get strangulated at times which requireprompt intervention before it develops further into complications suchas enterocutaneous fistula. Enterocutaneous fistula is an extremely rarecomplication that is under reported in literature. Its scarce incidencemainly occurred in developing countries. We report a case of one monthold boy with enterocutaneous fistula due to neglected strangulated inguinal hernia that perforated. He presented with feculent dischargecoming out of the right scrotum, episodes of bilious vomiting and abdominal distension prior to admission. This complication primarilyoccurred due to delayed diagnosis and intervention. Patient underwentsuccesful debridement, herniotomy as well as resection and ileo-ilealend-to-end anastomosis. Fortunately postoperative management wasuneventful. This case highlights the need for prompt diagnosis and referral for surgery whenever pediatric patients present with neglectedstrangulated hernia. Awareness on this serious complication must alsobe imposed to further prevent this complication.



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