首页> 外文期刊>Renewables: Wind, Water, and Solar >Impact of solvents on the extraction and purification of vegetable dyes onto the efficiency for dye-sensitized solar cells

Impact of solvents on the extraction and purification of vegetable dyes onto the efficiency for dye-sensitized solar cells




Eight vegetable dyes extracted from flowers, fruits and leaves abundant in the wide biodiversity of the Andes region of South America were extracted with ethanol without purification to explore as vegetable photosensitizers in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). The absorbance spectra were measured by UV–visible spectroscopy and the photoelectrical performance of the DSSCs based on these dyes with a homemade solar simulator, constructed only for educational purposes under 1 sun of illumination. The open-circuit voltages ( V suboc/sub) and the short-circuit photocurrent densities ( J subsc/sub) varied from 0.39 to 0.48?V and from 0.04 to 0.56?mA?cmsup?2/sup, and the power conversion efficiency (PCE) ranged from 0.01 to 0.18%. Particularly, the highest V suboc/sub and PCE values of the DSSCs sensitized by the ethanol extracts of Morti?o fruit ( Vaccinium floribundum ) and Jamaica flowers ( Hibiscus sabdariffa ) without purification were presumably associated with anthocyanin, the most effective component present in both vegetable photosensitizers. Hence, various components of the ethanol extracts obtained from these two vegetable dyes were purified by liquid–liquid extraction using different organic solvents of different polarity, namely petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate, n -butanol, and distilled water. Ethyl acetate resulted as the most favorable solvent for purification of ethanol extracts from Morti?o fruit and Jamaica flowers to use as vegetable photosensitizers in DSSCs. The PCE of the DSSC fabricated with the dye extracted in ethyl acetate from Morti?o fruit achieved 0.33%, with V suboc/sub of 0.520?V and J subsc/sub of 1.014?mA?cmsup?2/sup, whereas the corresponding values obtained from the dye extracted from Jamaica flowers reached 0.22% with V suboc/sub of 0.541?V and J subsc/sub of 0.678?mA?cmsup?2/sup. Thus, the purification of vegetable dyes used as photosensitizer impacts the photoelectrochemical performance of DSSCs.
机译:从南美安第斯山脉广泛生物多样性丰富的花朵,水果和叶子中提取的八种植物染料未经纯化就用乙醇提取,用于在染料敏化太阳能电池(DSSC)中用作植物光敏剂。用紫外可见光谱法测量吸收光谱,并用自制的太阳能模拟器将基于这些染料的DSSC的光电性能进行测量,该模拟器仅用于1种光照下的教育目的。开路电压(V oc )和短路光电流密度(J sc )从0.39至0.48?V和0.04至0.56?mA?cm ?2 ,功率转换效率(PCE)在0.01到0.18%之间。特别是未经提纯的Morti?o果实(Vaccinium floribundum)和牙买加花(Hibiscus sabdariffa)的乙醇提取物致敏的DSSC的最高V oc 和PCE值可能与花色苷有关两种植物光敏剂中都含有有效成分。因此,使用不同极性的不同有机溶剂,即石油醚,氯仿,乙酸乙酯,正丁醇和蒸馏水,通过液-液萃取纯化了从这两种植物染料中提取的乙醇提取物的各种成分。乙酸乙酯是纯化从Morti?o水果和牙买加花中提取的乙醇的最有利溶剂,可用作DSSC中的植物光敏剂。用乙酸乙酯在Morti?o果实中提取的染料制备的DSSC的PCE达到0.33%,V oc 为0.520?V,J sc 为1.014?mA ?cm ?2 ,而从牙买加花中提取的染料获得的相应值达到0.22%,V oc 为0.541?V,J sc 。因此,用作光敏剂的植物染料的纯化会影响DSSC的光电化学性能。



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