首页> 外文期刊>Research Journal of Fisheries and Hydrobiology >The Relationship between Intelligence Beliefs, Self-Esteem, and Achievement Motivation and Entrepreneurial Ability in Students of Shiraz University Agricultural College

The Relationship between Intelligence Beliefs, Self-Esteem, and Achievement Motivation and Entrepreneurial Ability in Students of Shiraz University Agricultural College




Background: Entrepreneurship and its associated concepts can be regarded as an interdisciplinary issue since it is the subject of interest by various fields including psychology, sociology and economy Objective: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between intelligence beliefs, self-esteem, and achievement motivation and entrepreneurial abilities in the students of Agricultural College of Shiraz University. Method: The sample consisted of 148 students. Samples were selected using the random stratified method. The instruments included a questionnaire with 70 questions to measure entrepreneurial ability, a questionnaire with 10 questions to measure intelligence beliefs, a questionnaire with 55 questions to measure self-esteem, and a questionnaire with 40 questions to measure achievement motivation. Data were analyzed using the mean and SD of the variables, drawing graphs, the Spearman correlation coefficient, and regression with repeated measures. Results: The findings demonstrated that the correlations between intelligence beliefs, self-esteem, and achievement motivation and entrepreneurial ability for all subjects were significant, and for male and female respondents, the correlation between the predicting variables and criteria was significant, the results of the regression analyses regarding the prediction of entrepreneurial ability from achievement motivation, intelligence beliefs, and self-esteem show that for all subjects, as well as male and female classifications, they were significant at 0.05. In the regression analysis, intelligence beliefs were proved to be of higher predicting ability. Research suggestions are provided at the end of this paper.
机译:背景:企业家精神及其相关概念可以被视为一个跨学科的问题,因为它是心理学,社会学和经济等各个领域的关注主题。目的:本研究的目的是研究智力信念,自尊之间的关系。 ,设拉子大学农学院的学生的成就动机和创业能力。方法:样本由148名学生组成。使用随机分层方法选择样本。这些工具包括一个调查问卷,该问卷包含70个问题来衡量创业能力,一个问卷包含10个问题来衡量智力信念,一份包含55个问题来衡量自尊的问卷以及一个包含40个问题来衡量成就动机的问卷。使用变量的均值和SD,绘图图,Spearman相关系数以及重复测量的回归分析数据。结果:研究结果表明,所有受试者的智力信念,自尊,成就动机和创业能力之间的相关性均显着,而对于男性和女性受访者而言,预测变量和标准之间的相关性均显着,从成就动机,智力信念和自尊对企业家能力的预测进行的回归分析表明,对于所有主题以及男女分类,它们的显着性均为0.05。在回归分析中,智力信念被证明具有较高的预测能力。本文末尾提供了研究建议。



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