首页> 外文期刊>Research Journal of Biological Sciences >Predominant Lactic Acid Bacteria Involved in the Spontaneous Fermentation Step of Tchapalo Process, A Traditional Sorghum Beer of Cote D’ivoire

Predominant Lactic Acid Bacteria Involved in the Spontaneous Fermentation Step of Tchapalo Process, A Traditional Sorghum Beer of Cote D’ivoire




Fermented microflora involved in the spontaneous fermentation step of tchapalo processing was investigated. A total of 180 samples of the non fermented product (mash) and the fermented product (sour wort) were analysed by standard methods and Api 50 CH identification system. Difference in pH between mash (5.65) and sour wort (3.71) was significant (p Lactobacillus (5.5x108 cfu mL-1), Enterococcus (9.8x107 cfu mL-1), Pediococcus (9.7x107 cfu mL-1) and Leuconostoc (5.8x107 cfu mL-1). During the spontaneous fermentation there was an increase of the load of Lactobacillus, which remained predominant in sour wort at the end of fermentation (89.6%). The load of other lactic acid bacteria and yeasts decreased and this evolution varied according to areas. Thus, this spontaneous fermentation was essentially governed by Lactobacillus strains. The physiological analysis of 114 Lactobacilli randomly selected revealed 25 different profiles indicating a diversity of Lactobacillus strains implicated in the spontaneous fermentation. Almost all profiles observed were specific to the studied area. Among the Lactobacillus isolates from physiological study, there were 82.5% heterofermentative strains including Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus cellobiosus, Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus coprophilus and 17.5% homofermentative strains including Lactobacillus plantarum.
机译:研究了茶酚加工的自然发酵步骤中涉及的发酵菌群。通过标准方法和Api 50 CH鉴定系统分析了总共180个非发酵产品(麦芽)和发酵产品(酸麦芽汁)的样品。液(5.65)和酸麦芽汁(3.71)之间的pH值差异显着(乳酸杆菌(5.5x108 cfu mL-1),肠球菌(9.8x107 cfu mL-1),球菌(9.7x107 cfu mL-1)和亮粘菌球菌( 5.8x107 cfu mL-1)。在自发发酵过程中,乳酸菌的负荷增加,发酵结束时酸麦芽汁仍占主导(89.6%),其他乳酸菌和酵母的负荷降低,进化的过程因地区而异,因此,这种自然发酵基本上受乳杆菌菌株的控制,对随机选择的114株乳杆菌的生理学分析揭示了25种不同的图谱,表明与自然发酵有关的乳杆菌菌株的多样性。在生理学研究的乳酸菌中,发酵菌,发酵乳杆菌,b。乳酸杆菌等异种发酵菌株占82.5%。修订本,共乳杆菌和包括植物乳杆菌在内的17.5%同型发酵菌株。



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