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Determination of the causes and the effects of storage conditions on the quality of silo stored wheat (Triticum aestivum) in Zimbabwe

机译:确定储存条件对津巴布韦筒仓储存小麦(Triticum aestivum)品质的影响



There are still cases of millers returning poor quality red wheat to the Zimbabwe Grain Marketing Board (GMB) and this has been an ongoing problem over the past few years. A larger amount of this wheat has discoloured and damaged embryos and it is discounted by millers because the germs are brittle and they crumble easily. There have been also many rejections of the red wheat particularly by major traders. Therefore there was an urgent need to investigate the causes and effects of storage conditions on the quality of silo-stored red wheat, since red wheat is one of human beings’ main food supplies. A representative sample of 2.25 kg of red winter wheat was randomly collected from the common red winter wheat incoming to the Grain Marketing Board Depot for storage. This representative sample of 2.25 kg was used as the control sample and its test density was determined. The control sample was then finely ground and analysed for protein, moisture, ash, aflatoxins and falling number. The red winter wheat was then stored in six different silos for a period of 5 months, with each silo having different humidity and temperature conditions. Representative samples of 4.5 kg were randomly collected monthly from each silo during the storage period. The test densities of the representative samples were determined. These representative samples were then finely ground and analysed for protein, moisture, ash, aflatoxins, and falling number. The results of the red wheat in storage were then compared with those of the control sample and analysed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) at the 5% level of significance. Results obtained after data analysis suggest that there were significant differences in the protein content, moisture content and falling number of the wheat before and after storage. However, differences in test density, aflatoxin and ash contents of the wheat before and after storage were not statistically significant at the 5% level of significance. The deterioration in wheat quality was attributed to the high storage temperature and humidity conditions. It was also concluded that the optimum conditions for wheat storage are a temperature of 15 oC and a humidity of 60%.
机译:仍然有磨坊主将劣质红小麦退回津巴布韦谷物销售委员会(GMB)的案例,这在过去几年中一直是一个持续存在的问题。大量的小麦变色并破坏了胚芽,由于胚芽很脆并且容易碎裂,因此磨坊主不予接受。也有许多人特别是主要贸易商拒绝红小麦。因此,迫切需要研究贮藏条件对筒仓贮藏的红小麦品质的成因和影响,因为红小麦是人类的主要食物供应之一。从进入谷物销售委员会仓库储存的普通红色冬小麦中随机收集代表性的2.25 kg红色冬小麦样品。使用2.25kg的代表性样品作为对照样品,并测定其测试密度。然后将对照样品精细研磨,并分析蛋白质,水分,灰分,黄曲霉毒素和降落数。然后将红色冬小麦在六个不同的筒仓中存储5个月,每个筒仓具有不同的湿度和温度条件。在存储期间,每月从每个筒仓中随机采集4.5千克的代表性样品。确定代表性样品的测试密度。然后将这些代表性样品进行精细研磨,并分析其蛋白质,水分,灰分,黄曲霉毒素和落数。然后将储存的红小麦的结果与对照样品的结果进行比较,并通过显着性水平为5%的方差分析(ANOVA)进行分析。数据分析后获得的结果表明,储存前后小麦的蛋白质含量,水分含量和落数均存在显着差异。然而,小麦在贮藏前后的测试密度,黄曲霉毒素和灰分含量的差异在显着性水平为5%时无统计学意义。小麦品质的下降归因于较高的储存温度和湿度条件。还得出结论,小麦储存的最佳条件是温度为15 oC,湿度为60%。



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