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Class I HLA in patients suffering from tuberculosis - population analysis




The aim of the present study was the analysis of the relation between the incidence of tuberculosis and particular class I HLA among patients of hospitals in Gdańsk, Gdynia and Sopot. 115 patients with active tuberculosis were included in the examination of HLA from A, B, C locus. The diagnosis of tuberculosis was confirmed bacteriologically by the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in sputum cultures. The control group consisted of 100 healthy, unrelated adults. The examination of class I antigens was performed according to microlymphocytotoxic NIH test by Terasaka. χ2 test was used for statistical analysis with the confidence level of p0.05, with the use of Yates' modification. The relative risk was calculated according to Woolf's method. The significantly increased value of the test for HLA-B62(15) (χ2=4.1; p0.05; RR=2.85) and HLA-Cw5 (χ2=3.86; p0.05; RR=6.72) was found in tuberculosis on the basis of our results. However we found significantly decreased values of χ2 test among patients suffering from tuberculosis with relative risk RR1 for antigens: HLA-A2 (χ2&eguals;6.8; p0.001), -A10 (χ2=72.45; p0.0001), -A26 (10) (χ=4.03; p0.05), -A11 (χ2=4.36; p0.05), -B40 (χ2=25.4; p0.0001), -B7 (χ2=4.75; p0.05), -Cw1 (χ2=4.1; p0.05). On the basis of these results it was concluded that: 1. In the population of patients suffering from tuberculosis, living in the area of North Poland antigens HLA-62(15) and HLA-Cw5 were found significantly more frequently in comparison with control group of healthy people. 2. In the examined group of patients antigens HLA-A2, -A26(10), -A11, -B7, -B40, -Cw1 were found significantly less frequently in comparison with the control group.
机译:本研究的目的是分析格但斯克,格丁尼亚和索波特的医院的患者中结核病的发病率与特定的I类HLA之间的关系。 A,B,C位点的HLA包括115例活动性肺结核患者。通过在痰培养物中检测结核分枝杆菌,在细菌学上证实了结核的诊断。对照组由100名健康,无关的成年人组成。根据Terasaka的微淋巴细胞毒性NIH测试对I类抗原进行检查。采用Yates修正,采用χ2检验进行统计学分析,置信度为p <0.05。相对危险度根据伍尔夫方法计算。在肺结核上发现HLA-B62(15)(χ2= 4.1; p <0.05; RR = 2.85)和HLA-Cw5(χ2= 3.86; p <0.05; RR = 6.72)的检测值显着增加。我们的结果的基础。然而,我们发现在抗原相对风险RR <1的结核病患者中χ2测试值显着降低:HLA-A2(χ2&eguals; 6.8; p <0.001),-A10(χ2= 72.45; p <0.0001),-A26 (10)(χ= 4.03; p <0.05),-A11(χ2= 4.36; p <0.05),-B40(χ2= 25.4; p <0.0001),-B7(χ2= 4.75; p <0.05),- Cw1(χ2 = 4.1; p <0.05)。根据这些结果,得出以下结论:1.在患肺结核的患者人群中,生活在北波兰地区的HLA-62(15)和HLA-Cw5抗原与对照组相比更为频繁健康的人。 2.在检查的患者组中,与对照组相比,发现抗原HLA-A2,-A26(10),-A11,-B7,-B40,-Cw1的频率明显降低。



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