首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >Impact of Chlorine Dioxide Gas Sterilization on Nosocomial Organism Viability in a Hospital Room

Impact of Chlorine Dioxide Gas Sterilization on Nosocomial Organism Viability in a Hospital Room




To evaluate the ability of ClO2 to decontaminate pathogens known to cause healthcare-associated infections in a hospital room strains of Acinetobacter baumannii, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Mycobacterium smegmatis, and Staphylococcus aureus were spot placed in duplicate pairs at 10 sites throughout a hospital room and then exposed to ClO2 gas. Organisms were collected and evaluated for reduction in colony forming units following gas exposure. Six sterilization cycles with varied gas concentrations, exposure limits, and relative humidity levels were conducted. Reductions in viable organisms achieved ranged from 7 to 10-log reductions. Two sterilization cycles failed to produce complete inactivation of organisms placed in a bathroom with the door closed. Reductions of organisms in the bathroom ranged from 6-log to 10-log reductions. Gas leakage between hospital floors did not occur; however, some minor gas leakage from the door of hospital room was measured which was subsequently sealed to prevent further leakage. Novel technologies for disinfection of hospital rooms require validation and safety testing in clinical environments. Gaseous ClO2 is effective for sterilizing environmental contamination in a hospital room. Concentrations of ClO2 up to 385 ppm were safely maintained in a hospital room with enhanced environmental controls.
机译:为了评估二氧化氯净化医院病房鲍曼不动杆菌,大肠杆菌,粪肠球菌,耻垢分枝杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌菌株中已知引起医疗保健相关感染的病原体的能力,将其成对放置在整个医院房间的10个位置中然后暴露于ClO2气体中。收集生物并评估暴露于气体后菌落形成单位的减少。进行了六个灭菌周期,其中包括不同的气体浓度,暴露极限和相对湿度水平。活生物体的减少幅度为7到10个对数。两个灭菌周期未能完全关闭放在门关上的浴室中的生物。浴室中的生物减少量从6减少到10减少不等。医院楼层之间未发生气体泄漏;但是,从医院病房的门中测出一些轻微的气体泄漏,随后将其密封以防止进一步泄漏。用于医院房间消毒的新技术需要在临床环境中进行验证和安全性测试。气态ClO2可有效地对医院病房中的环境污染进行消毒。在具有增强环境控制功能的病房中,可以安全地保持高达385 ppm的ClO2浓度。



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