首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Cancer Prevention >The Ki-67 index in non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma: Role and Prognostic Significance

The Ki-67 index in non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma: Role and Prognostic Significance




Background: Ki67 is a nuclear and nuclear protein antigen present in all proliferating cells during the active part of the cell cycle: G1, S, G2, and mitosis. The aim of study is to evaluate survival based on Ki67 index in NHL patients in the west of Iran for the first time. Patients and Methods: Between of 2002 to 2014, fifty-six patients with NHL referred to Our Clinic. We checked age, sex, type of NHL, Ki67 index and survival for them. We divided Ki67 index to two groups: low Ki67 (Ki67<65%) and high Ki67 (Ki67≥65%). Results: The mean age at diagnosis for patients was 47.33±166.50 years (range, 13-77 years) that 27 patients (48.2%) had age≤ 50 years and 33 patients (58.9%) were male. Thirty-eight patients (67.9%) had Ki67<60% and 18 patients (32.1%) had Ki67≥65%. The mean Ki67 for Nodal patients was 48.1% and for extra nodal was 54.5%, but there was no significant correlation between them (P=0.360). Conclusion: Ki67 in future studies should be divided based on a fix percent until we can have a better result about the role of Ki67 in NHL patients. Also, Ki67 alone can not be a risk factor in NHL patients and other factors such as age, sex and type of NHL can be affective, too.
机译:背景:Ki67是一种在细胞周期的活动部分(G1,S,G2和有丝分裂)中所有增殖细胞中存在的核和核蛋白抗原。研究的目的是首次基于Ki67指数评估伊朗西部NHL患者的生存率。患者与方法:在2002年至2014年之间,五十六名NHL患者转诊至我们的诊所。我们检查了他们的年龄,性别,NHL类型,Ki67指数和生存率。我们将Ki67指数分为两组:低Ki67(Ki67 <65%)和高Ki67(Ki67≥65%)。结果:诊断时的平均年龄为47.33±166.50岁(范围13-77岁),其中年龄≤50岁的27例(48.2%)和男性的33例(58.9%)。 38例患者(67.9%)的Ki67 <60%,18例患者(32.1%)的Ki67≥65%。结节患者的平均Ki67为48.1%,结节外患者的平均Ki67为54.5%,但二者之间无显着相关性(P = 0.360)。结论:在将来的研究中,应根据固定百分比对Ki67进行划分,直到我们可以更好地了解Ki67在NHL患者中的作用。同样,单独的Ki67不能成为NHL患者的危险因素,其他因素(例如年龄,性别和NHL类型)也可能会产生影响。



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