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Abdominoscrotal hydrocele: A systematic review and proposed clinical grading




Introduction Abdominoscrotal hydrocele is a rare hydrocele variant in pediatrics and adults. Besides the historical concerns, controversies in etiology and management of abdominoscrotal hydrocele warrant studying. Subjects and methods A systematic review was conducted based on a multilingual search of the world literature of abdominoscrotal hydrocele through electronic engines (Google Scholar and MEDLINE/PubMed). The demographic and clinical characteristics are critically addressed and a clinical grading system is proposed. Results From the 487 delivered articles, 320 articles were eligible to this review including only 21 case series. They delivered 579 abdominoscrotal hydrocele cases. Abdominoscrotal hydrocele affects pediatrics more than adults with significantly increased rate of reporting in the last decades. Full or incomplete case descriptions were found in 558 cases versus 21 cases with deficient description. Abdominoscrotal hydrocele has been reported from 45 countries and India has the highest rate. Eight proposed hypotheses were differentiated for etiology and grouped according to the direction of fluid formation and hydrocele growth. Associated congenital anomalies include contralateral hydroceles and cryptorchidism. Complications result from compression, hemorrhage, infection, torsion, and coincident malignancy. A clinical grading system considering the increased anatomical, pathological or clinical complexities has been proposed and provided two categories; simple and complex abdominoscrotal hydroceles with further sub-classes. Conclusions Abdominoscrotal hydrocele is rare, but the number of the reported cases is far larger than the previously reported numbers. Etiology follows multiple hypotheses and management is speculative. Proposed clinical grading may support differentiation of severity of the associated cumulative risks.
机译:引言阴囊鞘膜积液是儿科和成人罕见的鞘膜积液。除历史问题外,腹阴囊鞘膜积液的病因学和治疗方面的争议也值得研究。主题和方法通过电子引擎(Google Scholar和MEDLINE / PubMed)对腹阴囊鞘膜积液的世界文献进行多语言搜索,从而进行了系统的综述。人口统计学和临床​​特征得到了关键解决,并提出了临床分级系统。结果在487篇发表的文章中,有320篇文章符合此评价的资格,其中只有21个案例系列。他们交付了579例腹阴囊鞘膜积液。腹部阴囊鞘膜积液对儿童的影响要比成年人多,在过去的几十年中报告率明显增加。在558例案例中发现了完整或不完整的案例描述,而描述不足的案例为21例。据报道有来自45个国家的腹部阴囊鞘膜积液,印度的发生率最高。对八个提出的假设进行病因学区分,并根据液体形成和鞘膜积液的生长方向进行分组。先天性异常包括对侧鞘膜积液和隐睾。并发症来自压迫,出血,感染,扭转和恶性肿瘤。已经提出了考虑到增加的解剖学,病理学或临床复杂性的临床分级系统,并提供了两类。简单而复杂的腹阴囊鞘膜积液,还有其他子类。结论腹部阴囊鞘膜积液很少见,但报告的病例数远大于以前报告的病例数。病因学遵循多种假设,管理是推测性的。拟议的临床分级可能支持区分相关累积风险的严重性。



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