首页> 外文期刊>Czech Journal of Food Sciences >Hygienic indicators and chemical composition of Prgica cheese produced from raw and pasteurised milks

Hygienic indicators and chemical composition of Prgica cheese produced from raw and pasteurised milks




The hygienic indicators and chemical composition of Prgica cheese produced from raw and pasteurised milks as well as the microbiolo gical quality of dry red pepper used in the cheese production were investigated.. Prgica cheeses and originally packed dry red peppers were collected from five family farms and five vacuum-packed Prgica cheese sam -ples were purchased from the supermarkets. Significantly lower fat (P < 0.01), protein, and total solids contents (P < 0.0001) of artisanal Prgica cheese in comparison to Prgica cheese purchased from the supermarkets were detected. Two samples of cheese pro duced on family farms and three samples purchased from the supermarkets had high numbers of yeasts and moulds. The yeasts Mucor sp. and Candida famata, and moulds aspergillus niger and aspergillus ochraceus, were detected in dry red pepper. The results showed that there was potential yeast and mould contamination among the Prgica cheeses produced from raw milk, as well as Prgica cheeses purchased from the supermarkets, produced from pasteurised milk under controlled conditions, also contained high numbers of yeasts and moulds probably due to contamination by dry red pepper used in their production.
机译:研究了从原奶和巴氏灭菌奶中生产的Prgica奶酪的卫生指标,化学成分,以及用于该奶酪生产的干红辣椒的微生物质量。从五个家庭农场收集了Prgica奶酪和原始包装的干红辣椒。从超市购买了五个真空包装的Prgica奶酪山姆。与从超市购买的Prgica奶酪相比,检测到的手工Prgica奶酪的脂肪(P <0.01),蛋白质和总固体含量(P <0.0001)明显较低。在家庭农场生产的奶酪的两个样本和从超市购买的三个样本的酵母和霉菌数量很高。酵母Mucor sp。在干红辣椒中检出了霉菌,黑曲霉和och曲霉。结果表明,在原料奶生产的Prgica奶酪以及在受控条件下用巴氏灭菌牛奶生产的从超市购买的Prgica奶酪中,可能存在酵母和霉菌污染,其中也含有大量酵母菌和霉菌由其生产中使用的干红辣椒制成。



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