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The Origin of Mathematics and Number Sense in the Cerebellum: with Implications for Finger Counting and Dyscalculia




BackgroundMathematicians and scientists have struggled to adequately describe the ultimate foundations of mathematics. Nobel laureates Albert Einstein and Eugene Wigner were perplexed by this issue, with Wigner concluding that the workability of mathematics in the real world is a mystery we cannot explain. In response to this classic enigma, the major purpose of this article is to provide a theoretical model of the ultimate origin of mathematics and “number sense” (as defined by S. Dehaene) that is proposed to involve the learning of inverse dynamics models through the collaboration of the cerebellum and the cerebral cortex (but prominently cerebellum-driven). This model is based upon (1) the modern definition of mathematics as the “science of patterns,” (2) cerebellar sequence (pattern) detection, and (3) findings that the manipulation of numbers is automated in the cerebellum. This cerebro-cerebellar approach does not necessarily conflict with mathematics or number sense models that focus on brain functions associated with especially the intraparietal sulcus region of the cerebral cortex. A direct corollary purpose of this article is to offer a cerebellar inner speech explanation for difficulty in developing “number sense” in developmental dyscalculia. ResultsIt is argued that during infancy the cerebellum learns (1) a first tier of internal models for a primitive physics that constitutes the foundations of visual-spatial working memory, and (2) a second (and more abstract) tier of internal models based on (1) that learns “number” and relationships among dimensions across the primitive physics of the first tier. Within this context it is further argued that difficulty in the early development of the second tier of abstraction (and “number sense”) is based on the more demanding attentional requirements imposed on cerebellar inner speech executive control during the learning of cerebellar inverse dynamics models. Finally, it is argued that finger counting improves (does not originate) “number sense” by extending focus of attention in executive control of silent cerebellar inner speech. DiscussionIt is suggested that (1) the origin of mathematics has historically been an enigma only because it is learned below the level of conscious awareness in cerebellar internal models, (2) understandings of the development of “number sense” and developmental dyscalculia can be advanced by first understanding the ultimate foundations of number and mathematics do not simply originate in the cerebral cortex, but rather in cerebro-cerebellar collaboration (predominately driven by the cerebellum). ConclusionIt is concluded that difficulty with “number sense” results from the extended demands on executive control in learning inverse dynamics models associated with cerebellar inner speech related to the second tier of abstraction (numbers) of the infant’s primitive physics.
机译:背景技术数学家和科学家们一直在努力地充分描述数学的最终基础。诺贝尔奖获得者阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦和尤金·维格纳对此感到困惑,维格纳得出结论,现实世界中数学的可操作性是一个我们无法解释的谜。针对这个经典的谜题,本文的主要目的是提供一个数学和“数感”(由S. Dehaene定义)的最终起源的理论模型,该模型建议通过以下方法来学习逆动力学模型小脑和大脑皮层的协作(但主要由小脑驱动)。该模型基于(1)对数学的现代定义,即“模式科学”;(2)小脑序列(模式)检测;以及(3)发现小脑中的数字操作是自动的。这种小脑小脑方法不一定与专注于与大脑皮层顶沟区域相关的脑功能的数学或数感模型相冲突。本文的直接推论目的是提供小脑内语音解释,以解释发展性吞咽困难中“数字感”的发展困难。结果认为,在婴儿期,小脑学习(1)构成视觉空间工作记忆基础的原始物理学的第一层内部模型,以及(2)基于视觉的内部记忆的第二层(以及更抽象的)内部模型(1)学习第一层原始物理学中的“数字”和维度之间的关系。在这种情况下,进一步论证说,第二层抽象(和“数感”)的早期开发中的困难是基于在学习小脑逆动力学模型期间对小脑内部语音执行控制施加的更苛刻的注意要求。最后,有人认为,手指计数通过在无意识的小脑内部语音的执行控制中扩展注意力的焦点,可以改善(不起源)“数字感”。讨论建议:(1)从历史上讲,数学的起源只是一个谜,因为它是在小脑内部模型的自觉意识水平以下学习的;(2)可以增进对“数字感”和发展性吞咽困难的理解。通过首先了解数字和数学的最终基础,不仅起源于大脑皮层,还起源于小脑-小脑协作(主要由小脑驱动)。结论结论是,“数字感”的困难源于对学习与婴儿原始物理学的第二层抽象(数字)相关的小脑内部语音相关的逆动力学模型中对执行控制的不断扩展的需求。



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