首页> 外文期刊>Biomedical Research on Trace Elements >Identification of selenomethionine, selenocysteine, and Se-methylselenocysteine in the selenium-enriched common ice plant

Identification of selenomethionine, selenocysteine, and Se-methylselenocysteine in the selenium-enriched common ice plant




The essential trace element selenium (Se) plays a fundamental role in human health. Plant foods, such as vegetables, serve as the most common dietary sources of Se. Recently, novel seleno-amino acids, including Se-methylselenocysteine, γ-glutamyl-Se -methylselenocysteine, and selenocystathionine, have been found in certain plants and their benefits for human health are increasingly being recognized. The common ice plant, Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L., is an edible halophyte that accumulates D-pinitol, which exerts an insulin-like effect. However, little is known about the metabolism of seleno-amino acids in the common ice plants. Here we show that the common ice plant exhibits relatively high tolerance to both selenite and selenate and accumulated Se upon treatment with inorganic Se compounds. Speciation analysis revealed that selenocystine, selenomethionine, and Se -methylselenocysteine were present in the leaf of the Se-treated common ice plant. Interestingly, a significant portion of these Se-amino acids was liberated by a protease treatment, suggesting that the common ice plant can metabolize the inorganic Se compounds to the seleno-amino acids that were eventually incorporated nonspecifically into proteins. This study shows that the Se-enriched common ice plant can be a healthy source of Se in the human diet.
机译:必需的微量元素硒(Se)在人类健康中起着重要作用。蔬菜等植物性食物是硒的最常见饮食来源。最近,在某些植物中发现了包括硒代甲基硒代半胱氨酸,γ-谷氨酰基-硒-甲基硒代半胱氨酸和硒代胱硫醚在内的新型硒代氨基酸,它们对人体健康的益处日益得到认可。普通的制冰厂,Mememryanthemum crystallinum L.,是一种可食的盐生植物,积累了D-松醇,发挥了胰岛素样的作用。然而,关于普通冰厂中硒氨基酸的代谢了解甚少。在这里,我们表明普通的制冰厂在用无机硒化合物处理后,对亚硒酸盐和硒酸盐以及积累的硒都表现出较高的耐受性。形态分析表明,硒处理过的普通冰厂的叶子中存在硒代半胱氨酸,硒代蛋氨酸和硒代-甲基硒代半胱氨酸。有趣的是,这些硒氨基酸的很大一部分是通过蛋白酶处理释放的,这表明普通的制冰厂可以将无机硒化合物代谢为硒氨基酸,这些硒氨基酸最终被非特异性地掺入蛋白质中。这项研究表明,富含硒的普通冰厂可以成为人类饮食中硒的健康来源。



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