首页> 外文期刊>Computer Aided Geometric Design >On the different shapes arising in a family of plane rational curves depending on a parameter

On the different shapes arising in a family of plane rational curves depending on a parameter


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Given a family of plane rational curves depending on a real parameter, defined by its parametric equations, we provide an algorithm to compute a finite partition of the parameter space (R, in general) so that the shape of the family stays invariant along each element of the partition. So, from this partition the topology types in the family can be determined. The algorithm is based on a geometric interpretation of previous work (Alcazar et al., 2007) for the implicit case. However, in our case the algorithm works directly with the parametrization of the family, and the implicit equation does not need to be computed. Timings comparing the algorithm in the implicit and the parametric cases are given; these timings show that the parametric algorithm developed here provides in general better results than the known algorithm for the implicit case.



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