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The concept of integrated communication under close scrutiny: A study on the effects of congruity-based tactics


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This study examines how consumers react to a Facebook post that is completely, moderately or not at all in conflict with a brand-typical TV clip. It thus analyzes the need for congruity between the offline and online advertising activities of a brand and draws on the literature of integrated communication, schema incongruity theory and advertising effectiveness. Results of an online experiment with 131 participants and a 2 (content: congruent vs. incongruent) by 2 (stylistic devices: congruent vs. incongruent) between-subjects design provide first insights into the modeling of (in)congruity based on integrated communication. Thus, the article presents a first attempt to conceptualize (in)congruity in advertising through a combination of content and stylistic devices. In addition to this research agenda, the manuscript offers implications for advertising practice.
机译:本研究审查了消费者如何与Facebook帖子的反应完全,适度或完全与品牌典型的电视剪辑冲突。因此,分析了一个品牌的离线和在线广告活动之间的一致性的必要性,并借鉴了综合通信,架构不协调理论和广告效果的文献。 131名参与者的在线实验和2(内容:一致性与Incongruent)的在线实验(MoreStyery Devices:Conlyent Vs. Incongruent)的主题设计提供了第一次了解(IN)集成综合通信的建模的见解。因此,该物品呈现了通过内容和风格设备的组合来概念(IN)在广告中的概念化的尝试。除了这项研究议程外,稿件还为广告练习提供了影响。



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