首页> 外文期刊>Clinical Psychologist >Avoidance of affect mediates the effect of invalidating childhood environments on borderline personality symptomatology in a non-clinical sample

Avoidance of affect mediates the effect of invalidating childhood environments on borderline personality symptomatology in a non-clinical sample


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The aim of this study was to test the Linehan (1993) proposal regarding associations between invalidating childhood environments, distress tolerance (e.g., avoidance of affect), and borderline personality disorder (BPD) symptoms. The sample consisted of 141 non-clinical participants (51 men, 89 women, one gender unknown), ranging in age from 18 to 71 years (M = 35.17 years, SD = 13.89). The questionnaire package explored childhood environment, methods of coping with distress, and BPD features. Results indicated that reports of maternal invalidation were significantly correlated with avoidance of affect and BPD (p < .05). Mediation analysis indicated that avoidance of affect mediated the relationship between maternal invalidation and BPD. Consistent with the Linehan (1993) model, pervasive parental invalidation and avoidance of affect are considered potentially important constructs in the development and maintenance of BPD. This research contributes to the general understanding of BPD and may assist in refining the already efficacious interventions directed at patients with BPD.
机译:这项研究的目的是检验Linehan(1993)关于无效的童年环境,痛苦承受能力(例如避免影响)和边缘性人格障碍(BPD)症状之间的关联的建议。该样本包括141位非临床参与者(51位男性,89位女性,一名性别未知),年龄从18岁到71岁(M = 35.17岁,SD = 13.89)。问卷调查包探讨了儿童时期的环境,应对困扰的方法以及BPD的功能。结果表明,孕产妇无效的报告与避免情感和BPD显着相关(p <.05)。调解分析表明,避免影响介导了孕产妇无效与BPD之间的关系。与Linehan(1993)模型一致,普遍的父母无效和避免情感被认为是BPD发生和维持的潜在重要结构。这项研究有助于对BPD的一般理解,并可能有助于完善针对BPD患者的有效干预措施。



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