
Know Your Engine


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We all rely on our engine, but do you know what to do if it goes wrong, or how to prevent it going wrong in the first place? At Reading College they have been offering weekend courses on engine maintenance and repair for several years. Devised and run by Tony Brooks, motor vehicle lecturer at the college, they are divided into narrowboats, cruisers and sailing boats. Tony is himself a narrowboat owner, and was for many years chief engineer of a Thames hire-fleet. He has designed the courses to be suitable for beginners and experienced boaters alike, and to enable you to keep your engine in good condition, save money on routine maintenance and servicing, and to assist you in diagnosing problems, or preventing them before they start. There are normally 12 people on the course and we had a large classroom with a desk each, and plentiful supplies of tea and coffee at all times. We also had the use of the workshop that is explain the basics, before going into more depth. For example at the beginning of the course he took us to the workshop where a board was mounted with all the basic parts of an engine, and he explained how each part worked and contributed to the whole.
机译:我们都依靠我们的引擎,但是您是否知道如果出现问题该怎么办,或者首先如何防止它出现问题?在雷丁学院,他们几年来一直在提供有关发动机维护和维修的周末课程。由学院的汽车讲师托尼·布鲁克斯(Tony Brooks)设计和经营,它们分为窄船,巡洋舰和帆船。托尼本人是一家窄船所有者,并曾是泰晤士河租船队的总工程师多年。他设计的课程既适合初学者,也适合经验丰富的船员,使您的发动机保持良好状态,节省日常维护和保养的费用,并帮助您诊断问题或在问题开始之前加以预防。通常,该课程有12个人,我们有一个宽敞的教室,每个教室都有一张桌子,并且随时都有充足的茶和咖啡。在深入探讨之前,我们还使用了讲习班来解释基础知识。例如,在课程开始时,他带我们去了车间,那里安装了装有发动机所有基本零件的电路板,他解释了每个零件的工作原理并为整个零件做出了贡献。



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