首页> 外文期刊>Autonomous Mental Development, IEEE Transactions on >Tool–Body Assimilation of Humanoid Robot Using a Neurodynamical System

Tool–Body Assimilation of Humanoid Robot Using a Neurodynamical System


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Researches in the brain science field have uncovered the human capability to use tools as if they are part of the human bodies (known as tool–body assimilation) through trial and experience. This paper presents a method to apply a robot's active sensing experience to create the tool–body assimilation model. The model is composed of a feature extraction module, dynamics learning module, and a tool–body assimilation module. Self-organizing map (SOM) is used for the feature extraction module to extract object features from raw images. Multiple time-scales recurrent neural network (MTRNN) is used as the dynamics learning module. Parametric bias (PB) nodes are attached to the weights of MTRNN as second-order network to modulate the behavior of MTRNN based on the properties of the tool. The generalization capability of neural networks provide the model the ability to deal with unknown tools. Experiments were conducted with the humanoid robot HRP-2 using no tool, I-shaped, T-shaped, and L-shaped tools. The distribution of PB values have shown that the model has learned that the robot's dynamic properties change when holding a tool. Motion generation experiments show that the tool–body assimilation model is capable of applying to unknown tools to generate goal-oriented motions.
机译:大脑科学领域的研究通过尝试和经验揭示了人类使用工具的能力,就好像它们是人体的一部分一样(称为工具-身体同化)。本文提出了一种方法,该方法可以利用机器人的主动感应经验来创建工具-身体同化模型。该模型由特征提取模块,动力学学习模块和工具-身体同化模块组成。自组织映射(SOM)用于特征提取模块,以从原始图像中提取对象特征。多个时标递归神经网络(MTRNN)被用作动力学学习模块。参数偏差(PB)节点作为第二阶网络附加到MTRNN的权重上,以基于工具的属性来调制MTRNN的行为。神经网络的泛化能力为模型提供了处理未知工具的能力。使用无工具,I形,T形和L形工具的类人机器人HRP-2进行了实验。 PB值的分布表明,该模型已获悉,握持工具时机器人的动态特性会发生变化。运动生成实验表明,工具-身体同化模型能够应用于未知工具以生成面向目标的运动。



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