首页> 外文期刊>IEEE transactions on automation science and engineering >Charging Automation for Electric Vehicles: Is a Smaller Battery Good for the Wireless Charging Electric Vehicles?

Charging Automation for Electric Vehicles: Is a Smaller Battery Good for the Wireless Charging Electric Vehicles?


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Dynamic wireless charging (DWC) is an emerging technology that enables the batteries of electric vehicles (EVs) to charge automatically while the vehicles are in motion. The DWC-EV system addresses the challenges inherent in battery technology, such as the short driving range, long recharging time, and high price. Compared with conventional plug-in EVs, the DWC-EV can charge a battery more frequently because it can be done while the EV is in motion from the charging infrastructure installed on the road. In this paper, we analyze how this frequent-charging characteristic of DWC-EV can affect the battery lifetime in the DWC-EV. We first introduce a mathematical model to evaluate the economic cost of the DWC-EV for a given battery size. A battery degradation model is incorporated to account for the quantitative relationship between the installation of the charging infrastructure and battery life extension. We then use the model to analyze how the economic cost varies with the size of the battery. Our preliminary findings provide insight into the relationship between DWC from the charging infrastructure and the battery's lifetime.
机译:动态无线充电(DWC)是一项新兴技术,可使电动汽车(EV)的电池在车辆行驶时自动充电。 DWC-EV系统解决了电池技术固有的挑战,例如行驶距离短,充电时间长和价格高。与传统的插电式电动汽车相比,DWC-EV可以更频繁地为电池充电,因为它可以在电动汽车行驶时通过安装在道路上的充电基础设施进行充电。在本文中,我们分析了DWC-EV的这种频繁充电特性如何影响DWC-EV的电池寿命。我们首先介绍一个数学模型来评估给定电池尺寸下DWC-EV的经济成本。并入了电池退化模型,以说明充电基础设施的安装与电池寿命延长之间的定量关系。然后,我们使用该模型来分析经济成本如何随电池大小而变化。我们的初步发现可以深入了解充电基础设施中的DWC与电池寿命之间的关系。



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