首页> 外文期刊>Age and Ageing >Severe exfoliative dermatitis caused by strontium ranelate: two cases of a new drug reaction

Severe exfoliative dermatitis caused by strontium ranelate: two cases of a new drug reaction


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Strontium ranelate is a relatively new drug used as a second-line treatment for osteoporosis, often targeted at older patients. It isnknown to cause skin rash and rarely drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms, but there are no reports of exfoliativendermatitis as a reaction in the literature. We present the first two cases of this adverse effect of the drug, combined withnNew drug reaction to strontium ranelaten401nDownloaded from ageing.oxfordjournals.org at Institute of Scientific &Technical Info of China on June 23, 2011neosinophilia but no systemic symptoms. We illustrate the significant morbidity involved and use of systemic steroid treatmentnrequired, highlighting the need for awareness of this reaction in medical and particularly in elderly care communities.



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