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Life Cycle Assessment Model of Plastic Products: Comparing Environmental Impacts for Different Scenarios in the Production Stage




This paper assesses the environmental loads of polypropylene and PP-PE-PET mixed-plastic products throughout the products’ life cycle in the production stage, with particular focus on the looping method. A life cycle model of homogeneous and mixed-plastic products has been developed from the raw material extraction and production phase through its transport with the help of the life cycle assessment method. To find the answers to the questions posed, different impacts were analyzed by the GaBi 9.5 software. The analysis lasted from the beginning of the production process to the end. The aim of this research was to determine the energy and material resources used, the emissions produced, and the environmental impact indicators involved. This article examines three scenarios in the production stage, based on the usage of plastic scrap and process water: (1) plastic scrap and wastewater are recirculated with looping method; (2) plastic scrap goes through an incineration process and wastewater is treated in a municipal wastewater treatment plant; (3) plastic scrap is sent to a municipal landfill and wastewater is treated. This article tries to answer three questions: (1) how can we optimize the production stage? (2) Which materials and streams are recyclable in the design of the life cycle assessment? (3) What is the relationship between the environmental impacts of homogeneous and mixed-plastic products? The results of this research can be used to develop injection-molding processes with lower environmental impacts and lower releases of emissions.
机译:本文评估了在生产阶段的整个产品生命周期中的聚丙烯和PP-PE-PET混合塑料产品的环境载荷,特别关注环化方法。通过借助于生命周期评估方法,通过其运输,从原材料提取和生产阶段开发了均匀和混合塑料制品的生命周期模型。为了找到提出问题的答案,GABI 9.5软件分析了不同的影响。分析持续到生产过程的开始到结束。本研究的目的是确定所使用的能量和物质资源,产生的排放以及所涉及的环境影响指标。本文根据生产阶段的使用,研究了三种情况,基于塑料废料和工艺用水:(1)塑料废水和废水以环形方法再循环; (2)塑料废料通过焚烧过程,废水在市政废水处理厂进行处理; (3)塑料废料被送到市政垃圾填埋场,污水处理。本文试图回答三个问题:(1)我们如何优化生产阶段? (2)哪些材料和流在生命周期评估的设计中是可回收的? (3)均匀和混合塑料制品的环境影响之间的关系是什么?该研究的结果可用于开发具有较低环境影响和降低排放的注塑方法。



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