首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >Is the Increasing Incidence of Thyroid Cancer in the Nordic Countries Caused by Use of Mobile Phones?

Is the Increasing Incidence of Thyroid Cancer in the Nordic Countries Caused by Use of Mobile Phones?




The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) at the World Health Organization (WHO) categorized in 2011 radiofrequency (RF) as a possible human carcinogen, Group 2B. During use of the handheld wireless phone, especially the smartphone, the thyroid gland is a target organ. During the 21st century, the incidence of thyroid cancer is increasing in many countries. We used the Swedish Cancer Register to study trends from 1970 to 2017. During that time period, the incidence increased statistically significantly in women with average annual percentage change (AAPC) +2.13%, 95% confidence interval (CI) +1.43, +2.83%. The increase was especially pronounced during 2010–2017 with annual percentage change (APC) +9.65%, 95% CI +6.68, +12.71%. In men, AAPC increased during 1970–2017 with +1.49%, 95% CI +0.71, +2.28%. Highest increase was found for the time period 2001–2017 with APC +5.26%, 95% CI +4.05, +6.49%. Similar results were found for all Nordic countries based on NORDCAN 1970–2016 with APC +5.83%, 95% CI +4.56, +7.12 in women from 2006 to 2016 and APC + 5.48%, 95% CI +3.92, +7.06% in men from 2005 to 2016. According to the Swedish Cancer Register, the increasing incidence was similar for tumors ≤4 cm as for tumors >4 cm, indicating that the increase cannot be explained by overdiagnosis. These results are in agreement with recent results on increased thyroid cancer risk associated with the use of mobile phones. We postulate that RF radiation is a causative factor for the increasing thyroid cancer incidence.
机译:世界卫生组织(世卫组织)在2011年射频(RF)中分类为可能的人类致癌物质,第2B组。在使用手持式无线电话期间,尤其是智能手机,甲状腺是目标器官。在21世纪,甲状腺癌的发病率在许多国家正在增加。我们利用瑞典癌症注册到1970年至2017年的学习趋势。在此期间,该发病率在平均年百分比变化(AAPC)+ 2.13%,95%置信区间(CI)+1.43,+2.83 %。在2010-2017期间,增长特别明显,年百分比变化(APC)+ 9.65%,95%CI +6.68,+ 12.71%。在男性中,AAPC在1970 - 2017年增加,+ 1.49%,95%CI + 0.71,+ 2.28%。 2001-2017的时间+ 5.26%,95%CI +4.05,+ 6.49%,发现了最高增加。所有基于NORDCAN 1970-2016的所有北欧国家都发现了类似的结果,2006年至2016年妇女+ 5.83%,+7.12 + 7.12 + 5.48%,95%CI + 3.92,+ 7.06%男性从2005年到2016年。根据瑞典癌症登记率,肿瘤的发病率越来越多,肿瘤≤4厘米为肿瘤> 4厘米,表明不能通过过度输入来解释增加。这些结果与近期导致与使用手机相关的甲状腺癌风险增加的结果一致。我们假设RF辐射是增加甲状腺癌症发病率的致病因素。



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