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Limited knowledge of fraction representations differentiates middle school students with mathematics learning disability (dyscalculia) vs. low mathematics achievement




Fractions pose significant challenges for many children, but for some children those challenges persist into high school. Here we administered a fractions magnitude comparison test to 122 children, from Grades 4 to 8, to test whether their knowledge of fractions typically learned early in the sequence of formal math instruction (e.g., fractions equivalent to “one-half,” and fraction pairs with common denominators) differentiates those with mathematical learning disability (MLD) versus low achievement (LA) or typical achievement (TA) in mathematics, and whether long term learning trajectories of this knowledge also differentiate these groups. We confirmed that although 4th graders with LA (n = 18) or TA (n = 93) are more accurate evaluating one-half vs. non-half fractions (until they reach ceiling performance levels on both types of fractions), children with MLD (n=11) do not show a one-half advantage until Grade 7 and do not reach ceiling performance even by Grade 8. Both the MLD and LA groups have early difficulties with fractions, but by Grade 5 the LA group approaches performance levels of the TA group and deviates from the MLD group. All groups showed a visual model advantage over Arabic number representation of fractions, but this advantage was short lived for the TA group (because ceiling level was achieved across formats), slightly more persistent for the LA group, and persisted through Grade 8 for children with MLD. Thus, difficulties with fractions persist through Grade 8 for many students, but the nature and trajectories of those difficulties varies across children with math difficulties (MLD or LA).
机译:分数对许多孩子构成重大挑战,但对于某些孩子,这些挑战一直持续到高中。在这里,我们对4至8年级的122名儿童进行了分数幅度比较测试,以测试他们对分数的知识是否通常在正规数学教学的顺序中较早学习(例如,分数等于“二分之一”和分数对) (具有共同分母)将数学学习障碍(MLD)与低成就(LA)或典型成就(TA)的人区分开,并且此知识的长期学习轨迹是否也将这些组区分开。我们确认,尽管有LA(n = 18)或TA(n = 93)的4 年级学生可以更准确地评估一半分数和非一半分数(直到他们在两个分数上均达到最高绩效水平) MLD(n = 11)的孩子直到7年级才显示出一半的优势,即使到8年级也没有达到最高成绩。MLD和LA组在分数方面都有较早的困难,但是按年级划分5 LA组接近TA组的绩效水平,并偏离MLD组。所有组都显示出视觉模型优于分数的阿拉伯数字表示形式,但是对于TA组来说,这种优势是短暂的(因为跨格式达到了最高水平),对于LA组来说,这种优势更为持久,对于患有以下疾病的儿童,这种能力一直持续到8年级MLD。因此,许多学生的分数困难一直持续到八年级,但是这些困难的性质和轨迹在数学有困难的孩子(MLD或LA)中有所不同。



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