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Relative Contributions of Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten to Children’s Literacy and Mathematics Skills




A difficulty for developmental researchers is disambiguating children’s general maturation from the influence of schooling. In this study, we use a natural experiment to examine the influence of pre-kindergarten and kindergarten schooling experiences on the development of literacy and mathematics. Children (n = 60) whose birthdates fell within two months of the state-determined cut-off date for pre-kindergarten and kindergarten entry were administered four subtests of the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement III in the fall and spring of the school year. Using hierarchical linear modeling coupled with propensity score matching, children who were starting kindergarten, and who had prior experience in pre-kindergarten, had higher scores on measures of phonological awareness, early reading, and mathematics skills than did children who had not attended pre-kindergarten previously, even though they were essentially the same age. Fall vocabulary scores did not differ in relation to whether children had pre-kindergarten experience. In addition, although children who attended kindergarten as well as those who attended pre-kindergarten exhibited growth on all measures during the school year, children who attended kindergarten demonstrated greater gains in early reading and vocabulary during the school year. These findings highlight the potential of early schooling processes to facilitate children’s intellectual growth.
机译:发展型研究人员的一个难题是使儿童的一般成熟度不受学校教育的影响。在这项研究中,我们使用自然实验来考察幼儿园前和幼儿园的学习经历对识字和数学发展的影响。在国家确定的幼儿园和幼儿园入学截止日期前两个月内出生的儿童(n = 60)在学年的秋季和春季进行了伍德考克-约翰逊成就测试III的四个子测试。与未参加过学前班的孩子相比,使用分层线性建模与倾向得分匹配的孩子在幼儿园上学并且有过幼儿园前的经验,他们在语音意识,早期阅读和数学技能方面的得分更高。即使他们基本上是同一年龄,以前也要上幼儿园。秋季词汇量分数与儿童是否有幼儿园前经历无关。此外,尽管上学的孩子以及上幼儿园的孩子在学年中所有方面都有所增长,但是上学的孩子在学年中的早期阅读和词汇方面表现出更大的进步。这些发现凸显了早期教育进程对促进儿童智力发展的潜力。



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