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Dialect variation dialect-shifting and reading comprehension in second grade




The purpose of this study was to examine second graders’ (n=680) changing spoken nonmainstream American English (NMAE) use in relation to their oral language and reading comprehension achievement. Fall NMAE production was negatively associated with fall achievement scores. NMAE production generally decreased from fall to spring. Students who qualified for the US Free and Reduced Lunch program (FARL) and who had stronger language skills were more likely to decrease their NMAE use (i.e., dialect shifting) than their peers who did not qualify for FARL or their peers with weaker language skills. Dialect shifting for a sub-sample of 102 students who used substantial amounts of NMAE at the beginning of the school year was predicted by school context, controlling for reading and language skills – in general, students who attended more affluent schools dialect shifted to a greater extent than did their peers who attended higher poverty schools. Greater dialect shifting in this group predicted gains in reading comprehension from fall to spring.
机译:这项研究的目的是研究二年级学生(n = 680)改变其非主流美国英语口语(NMAE)的使用方式与他们的口头语言和阅读理解成绩之间的关系。秋季NMAE产量与秋季成绩得分呈负相关。从秋季到春季,NMAE产量普遍下降。与不符合FARL资格的同龄人或语言能力较弱的同龄人相比,符合美国免费午餐和减价计划(FARL)且语言技能较强的学生更有可能减少NMAE的使用(即方言转换)。 。根据学校环境预测了102个学生在学年开始时使用大量NMAE的子样本的方言转换,并控制了阅读和语言技能–一般来说,上了更富裕学校方言的学生转向了更大的方言的程度要比上高等贫困学校的同龄人高。这组人的方言转移较大,预计从秋天到春天阅读能力会有所提高。



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