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Credit Default Swaps networks and systemic risk




Credit Default Swaps (CDS) spreads should reflect default risk of the underlying corporate debt. Actually, it has been recognized that CDS spread time series did not anticipate but only followed the increasing risk of default before the financial crisis. In principle, the network of correlations among CDS spread time series could at least display some form of structural change to be used as an early warning of systemic risk. Here we study a set of 176 CDS time series of financial institutions from 2002 to 2011. Networks are constructed in various ways, some of which display structural change at the onset of the credit crisis of 2008, but never before. By taking these networks as a proxy of interdependencies among financial institutions, we run stress-test based on Group DebtRank. Systemic risk before 2008 increases only when incorporating a macroeconomic indicator reflecting the potential losses of financial assets associated with house prices in the US. This approach indicates a promising way to detect systemic instabilities.
机译:信用违约掉期(CDS)价差应反映基础公司债务的违约风险。实际上,已经认识到CDS传播时间序列并没有预料到,而只是在金融危机之前违约风险增加了。原则上,CDS传播时间序列之间的相关性网络至少可以显示某种形式的结构变化,以用作系统性风险的预警。在这里,我们研究了一组2002年至2011年的176个CDS时间序列的金融机构。网络的构建方式多种多样,其中一些在2008年信贷危机爆发时显示出结构性变化,但从未出现过。通过将这些网络用作金融机构之间相互依存的代理,我们基于Group DebtRank进行了压力测试。仅当纳入反映美国房价与金融资产相关的潜在潜在损失的宏观经济指标时,2008年之前的系统风险才会增加。这种方法表明检测系统不稳定的一种有前途的方法。



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