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Redundant Proteolytic Mechanisms Process Seed Storage Proteins in the Absence of Seed-Type Members of the Vacuolar Processing Enzyme Family of Cysteine Proteases




Seed-type vacuolar processing enzyme (VPE) activity is predicted to be essential for post-translational proteolysis of seed storage proteins in the protein storage vacuole of developing seeds. To test this hypothesis, we examined the protein profiles of developing and germinating seeds from Arabidopsis plants containing transposon-insertional knockout mutations in the genes that encode the two seed-type VPEs in Arabidopsis, βVPE, which was identified previously, and δVPE, which is described here. The effects of these mutations were studied individually in single mutants and together in a double mutant. Surprisingly, we found that most of the seed protein still was processed proteolytically in seed-type VPE mutants. The minor differences observed in polypeptide accumulation between wild-type and βVPE mutant seeds were characterized using a two-dimensional gel/mass spectrometric analysis approach. The results showed increased amounts of propolypeptide forms of legumin-type globulins accumulating in mutant seeds. However, the majority of protein (>80%) still was processed to mature α- and β-chains, as observed in wild-type seeds. Furthermore, we identified several legumin-type globulin polypeptides, not corresponding to pro or mature forms, that increased in accumulation in βVPE mutant seeds compared with wild-type seeds. Together, these results indicate the existence of both redundant and alternative processing activities in seeds. The latter was substantiated by N-terminal sequencing of a napin-type albumin protein, indicating cleavage consistent with previous in vitro studies using purified aspartic protease. Analysis of genome-wide transcript profiling data sets identified six protease genes (including an aspartic protease gene and βVPE) that shared spatial and temporal expression patterns with seed storage proteins. From these results, we conclude that seed-type VPEs constitute merely one pathway for processing seed storage protein and that other proteolytic enzymes also can process storage proteins into chains capable of stable accumulation in mature seeds.
机译:种子类型的液泡加工酶(VPE)活性预计对于发育中种子的蛋白质存储液泡中的种子存储蛋白质的翻译后蛋白水解至关重要。为了验证这一假设,我们检查了拟南芥植物的发育和发芽种子的蛋白质谱,该种子在拟南芥中编码两个种子型VPE的基因中含有转座子插入敲除突变,先前鉴定的是βVPE,而δVPE是在这里描述。在单个突变体中和在双突变体中一起研究了这些突变的影响。出乎意料的是,我们发现大多数种子蛋白仍在种子型VPE突变体中经过蛋白水解处理。使用二维凝胶/质谱分析方法表征了野生型和βVPE突变体种子之间多肽积累的细微差异。结果表明,在突变种子中积累的豆荚型球蛋白的原多肽形式数量增加。但是,正如在野生型种子中观察到的那样,大多数蛋白质(> 80%)仍被加工成成熟的α和β链。此外,我们鉴定了与野生型种子相比在βVPE突变体种子中积累增加的几种豆蔻型球蛋白多肽,不对应于原形式或成熟形式。总之,这些结果表明种子中存在冗余和替代加工活动。后者通过napin型白蛋白的N端测序得到证实,表明裂解与以前使用纯化的天冬氨酸蛋白酶的体外研究一致。对全基因组转录谱分析数据集的分析确定了六个蛋白酶基因(包括天冬氨酸蛋白酶基因和βVPE),它们与种子存储蛋白共享时空表达模式。根据这些结果,我们得出结论,种子型VPE只是构成加工种子存储蛋白的一种途径,其他蛋白水解酶也可以将存储蛋白加工成能够在成熟种子中稳定积累的链。



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