首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology >Treatment Model in Children with Speech Disorders and Its Therapeutic Efficiency

Treatment Model in Children with Speech Disorders and Its Therapeutic Efficiency




>Introduction Speech articulation disorders affect the intelligibility of speech. Studies on therapeutic models show the effectiveness of the communication treatment. >Objective To analyze the progress achieved by treatment with the ABAB—Withdrawal and Multiple Probes Model in children with different degrees of phonological disorders. >Methods The diagnosis of speech articulation disorder was determined by speech and hearing evaluation and complementary tests. The subjects of this research were eight children, with the average age of 5:5. The children were distributed into four groups according to the degrees of the phonological disorders, based on the percentage of correct consonants, as follows: severe, moderate to severe, mild to moderate, and mild. The phonological treatment applied was the ABAB—Withdrawal and Multiple Probes Model. The development of the therapy by generalization was observed through the comparison between the two analyses: contrastive and distinctive features at the moment of evaluation and reevaluation. >Results The following types of generalization were found: to the items not used in the treatment (other words), to another position in the word, within a sound class, to other classes of sounds, and to another syllable structure. >Conclusion The different types of generalization studied showed the expansion of production and proper use of therapy-trained targets in other contexts or untrained environments. Therefore, the analysis of the generalizations proved to be an important criterion to measure the therapeutic efficacy.
机译:>简介语音清晰度障碍会影响语音的清晰度。对治疗模型的研究表明了沟通治疗的有效性。 >目的分析ABAB戒断和多探针模型在不同程度的语音障碍儿童中的治疗进展。 >方法通过语音和听力评估以及补充测试来确定语音清晰度障碍的诊断。这项研究的对象是八个孩子,平均年龄为5:5。根据正确辅音的百分比,根据语音障碍的程度将儿童分为四组:严重,中度至重度,轻度至中度和轻度。应用的语音处理是ABAB —退出和多重探针模型。通过两种分析之间的比较,观察了通过泛化疗法的发展:在评估和重新评估时具有鲜明对比的特征。 >结果发现了以下几种类型的概括:未使用的项(其他单词),单词中的其他位置,声音类别,其他声音类别以及其他类别音节结构。 >结论所研究的不同类型的概括表明,在其他情况下或未经训练的环境中,生产的扩大和接受治疗训练的靶标的正确使用。因此,泛化分析被证明是衡量疗效的重要标准。



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