首页> 中文期刊>阅江学刊 >宋代田园诗民胞物与的情感意蕴--以南宋赵蕃田园诗为中心




世人皆为同胞、万物俱是同辈的理念正是儒家仁政爱民思想的体现。赵蕃的田园诗,再现了南宋中、后期农村优美的自然风光与农人快乐的劳动场景,也反映了农民劳动生活的艰辛,更有人们在自然灾害面前渴盼神灵降福而举行的祈雨仪式,充分反映了诗人民胞物与的情怀,代表了宋代士人仁政爱民的政治理想,具有鲜明的历史价值和现实主义特点。%The famous Neo⁃confucianist in Northern Song Dynasty Zhang Zai said, “All people are my brothers and all things are my kinds.” This idea embodies the Confucian thoughts of loving people with a hu⁃mane policy. Pastoral poetry, in an extensive scope, has a basic interest in expressing objection to cruel rein and love of people with a humane policy. Many poets, including Mei Yaochen, Su Shunqin in Northern Song Dynasty, Yang Wanli, Fan Chengda and Zhao Fan in Southern Song Dynsty, have written a large quantity of wide⁃ranging pastoral poems. The pastoral poems of Zhao Fan depict the beautiful landscape and the happy working scenes of farmers in the countryside of the mid and late Southern Song Dynasty. At the same time, they reflect the hard labor and life of farmers, and the heavy burden brought by the social oppression of venal offi⁃cials, exorbitant taxes and levies. His poems also describe all kinds of rituals of people praying for the rain when they suffered from natural disasters and longed for the blessing of gods. Zhao�s pastoral poems present fully the poet�s love of people and nature, representing the scholars� political ideal of loving people with a humane policy in Song Dynasty. Zhao�s poems have a definite historical value and a feature of realism.



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