首页> 中文期刊> 《世界核心医学期刊文摘:神经病学分册》 >针对听觉特征的部分性癫痫散发病例的LGI1基因突变的筛查




cqvip:Partial epilepsy with auditory features occasionally segregates in families as an autosomal dominant trait. In some families mutations in the leucine- rich glioma inactivated (LGI1) gene have been identified. Sporadic cases might harbour either denovo or low- penetrant LGI1 mutations, which will substantially alter the family risk for epilepsy. We selected sixteen sporadic patients with cryptogenic temporal lobe epilepsy and partial seizures with auditory features. We compared clinical features of these patients with those of published autosomal dominant family cases. We screened these patients for LGI1 mutations. Comparing the sporadic patients with the published familial cases no difference in either the primary auditory features or in the other associated epileptic manifestations was identified. Sequence analysis of the whole LGI1 gene coding regions in sporadic patients did not reveal changes in the LGI1 gene. The genetic analysis demonstrates that LGI1 is not a major gene for sporadic cases of partial epilepsy with auditory features at least in the Italian population. Screening of sporadic patients for LGI1 mutations appears not useful in genetic counselling of these patients.



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