首页> 中文期刊>价值工程 >质量管理与可靠性课程体验式实践教学体系的研究与实践




Aiming at the present situation that the practice teaching is weak for the course of quality management and reliability, the experience type practice teaching system which simulates the occupation role of quality management for modern enterprises is proposed. This experience type practice teaching system tried to put the students in the scene of the real quality management work process of enterprises, and made the students to understand how the work of compilation and examination for quality management systems be done in modern enterprises, makd the students to realize the correct using process for the quality control methods and tools such as quality inspection, quality analysis and improvement in modern enterprises, result in improving their engineering qualities and occupation service ability.%针对质量管理与可靠性课程实践教学薄弱的现状,提出了模拟现代企业质量管理岗位角色的体验式实践教学体系。该体验式实践教学体系将学生置身于实际企业的质量管理工作过程的情景中,让学生深刻理解现代企业如何开展质量管理体系的编制和审核工作,体会质量检验、质量分析和改进工具在解决企业质量问题时的正确应用过程,从而提高学生的工程素养和职业工作能力。



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