首页> 中文期刊>价值工程 >独立学院就业指导队伍建设研究




The independent college is profit educational institution whose core is talent cultivation. Whether the graduates can be employed smoothly or not is vital importance to the independent college. Combining the actual situation of independent college, its student’s quality is lower, and it will face more intensive employment with other universities students and higher vocational students. At present, as the mechanism and other problems, there are more or less problems in construction of the career guidance troop of many independent colleges, like, staff shortage, unstable troop, low quality, and so on. In some independent colleges, the counselor also is the employment guidance teacher, so the career guidance staff is far from the "specialization, professionalization, expert" requirements, so establishing employment guidance team became the problem faced by independent colleges.%  独立学院是以人才培养为核心的盈利教育机构,毕业生能否实现顺利就业直接关系着独立学院的生死存亡,结合独立学院的实际情况,生源素质较一本、二本确有差距,而且面对就业竞争独立学院学生不光要与一本二本学生竞争还要面临高职学生的竞争。目前各独立学院由于机制等问题,不少独立学院在就业指导队伍建设上或多或少都存在着人员不足、队伍不稳、素质不高的问题,有的独立学院的就业指导老师是由辅导员兼任,就业指导从业人员离“专业化、职业化、专家化”的要求相距甚远,建立就业指导队伍就成了独立学院面临的问题。



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