首页> 中文期刊> 《烟草科技》 >基于地统计学的曲靖植烟土壤主要养分丰缺评价




为了探明曲靖烟区土壤主要养分的空间分布状况,采用GPS技术在曲靖烟区采集3650个土壤样品,用地统计学和经典统计学方法分析了区域植烟土壤主要养分的总体特征、空间变异特征,同时采用普通Kriging插值法绘制了空间分布图,并进行了土壤主要养分的丰缺评价.结果表明:曲靖植烟土壤主要养分服从正态分布或对数正态分布,均表现为各向异性分布.其中,土壤速效磷的空间变异主要受随机因子影响,其余7种有效态主要养分的空间变异受结构性因子和随机性因子共同影响;土壤主要养分空间分布图显示,曲靖植烟土壤全钾普遍极度缺乏,低(12~ 18g/kg)与很低(<12 g/kg)的植烟土壤面积分别占42.76%和44.16%,全磷和速效磷属中等水平,全磷含量低(0.8 ~ 1.2 g/kg)与很低(<0.8 g/kg)的植烟土壤面积分别占37.76%和9.29%,速效磷含量低(10 ~ 20 g/kg)与很低(<10 g/kg)的植烟土壤面积分别占22.09%和0.32%,土壤pH属适宜水平,土壤全氮、碱解氮、速效钾均十分丰富.%In order to investigate the spatial distribution of main nutrients in tobacco planting soil, 3650 soil samples were collected with GPS technique in Qujing. The overall characteristics and spatial variation of main nutrients in the soil were analyzed with classical statistics and geostatistics, and the spatial distribution maps of main nutrients were drawn with an ordinary Kriging interpolation method. The results indicated that: the main nutrients in Qujing tobacco planting soil obeyed normal or lognormal distribution, and distributed anisotropically. The spatial variance of available P in soil was mainly affected by random factors, while that of the other 7 nutrients was affected by both structural and random factors. The spatial distribution maps of main nutrients showed that: of the total samples, total K was seriously deficient throughout Qujing, the areas with low (12-18 g/kg) and very low (<12 g/kg) total K levels accounted for 42.76% and 44.16%, respectively; total P was at moderate level, the areas with low (0.8-1.2 g/kg) and very low (<0.8 g/kg) total P levels accounted for 37.76 % and 9.29%, respectively; available P was at moderate level, the areas with low (10-20 g/kg) and very low (<10 g/kg) available P levels accounted for 22.09 % and 0.32 %, respectively. The pH of soil was suitable, the contents of total N, available N and available K in soil were extremely rich.



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