首页> 中文期刊>重庆与世界(学术版) >网络虚拟社会的现代性困境探析




From the modern perspective of virtual social network,it is beneficial to understand the plight of modern life and the current main network moral education faces.In the context of modernity, network openness and globalization easily lead to weakening of the network moral concept and value orientation,disorder and national consciousness weakening,and network technology to culture makes the wantonly expansion of instrumental rationality.Materialized exacerbated the plight,shaking the social order and lacking of the meaning of life.Social network “to the center”leads to moral relativism prevailing, social disorder, the main loss of freedomand the proliferation of anthropocentrism.Contradiction and conflict between man and nature is becoming more severe,which makes people have to depend on the poor and vulgar materialistic lifestyles,commodity fetishism,and currency fetishism is mainly form.Impoverished and vulgar materialistic lifestyles lead people into a morbid pleasure experience and hedonism dilemma.%从现代性角度来看网络虚拟社会,有利于认清主体网络生活和当前网络道德教育所面临的现代性困境。在现代性语境中,网络开放性和全球化易导致网络行为主体道德观念弱化、价值取向紊乱和民族意识弱化。网络技术“去人文化”使得工具理性大肆扩张,物化困境加剧,社会秩序动摇,生活意义的匮乏和缺失。网络社会的“去中心化”导致道德相对主义盛行、社会失序和主体自由丧失,人类自我中心主义泛滥,人与自然界之间矛盾和冲突的不断加剧,使得人们不得不依附于贫乏而低俗的物化生活方式,商品拜物教和货币拜物教就是主要存在形式之一,贫乏而低俗的物化生活方式导致人们陷入一种病态的快感体验及享乐主义困境。



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