首页> 中文期刊>搏击·武术科学 >综评和兆元创“代理架”和式太极拳“理”之内涵




“代理架”是一代大师和兆元对太极拳的独到诠释,简单明了的三个字,道出了和式太极拳是以理说拳、以拳明理、理技相合、理养结合的理论内涵,一个“理”字表达了和式太极拳的哲学思维,理是什么,理就是太极拳的道理、原理,理就是太极、阴阳、动静,这是万物之理。文章通过对和式太极拳代理架的“理”的分析、探讨,以更深刻地了解代理架“理”之内涵,认识和式太极拳在太极拳发展过程中有着重要的理论贡献,这也是一代大师和兆元对太极拳发展不可抹杀的贡献。%"Agent frame" is the Master He Zhaoyuan's interpretation of Tai Chi Chuan, the simple words clearly show the features of He Style Tai Chi Chuan, that is:explaining the Tai Chi Chuan by the Truth Theory, showing the theory by Tai Chi Chuan, harmanizing the Tai Chi Chuan skills with the Truth Theory, combining the Truth Theory with fitness-keeping actions. The word Truth expresses the philosophy thought of He style Tai Chi Chuan, shows that the theory in Tai Chi Chuan including the truth, and principle of Tai Chi, such as Yin and Yang, dynamic and static, which is the theory of everything. The article, through analyzing the Truth in the Tai Chi Agent Frame, understands the Truth in the Agent Frame, to have a very important theoretical contribution for understanding the "truth" and profound connotation of He style Tai Chi Chuan, and show the undeniable contribution of He Zhaoyuan for the development of Tai Chi Chuan.



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