首页> 中文期刊> 《唐都学刊》 >陈忠实创作道路的文化意义




Abstract: Chen Zhong - shi' s writing career is of great cultural recreation. For one reason, the early ru ral life has laid a solid foundation in his folk culture emotional standpoint, cultural value concept, and distinctive national, local, regional literary background. For another reason, his cognition of the relation- ship between literature and people, life as well as polities has kept him in close ties with people. The third reason is that from writing for his livelihood to writing for his life value and national revival, he has devoted himself to his literary career with a dogged determination. The fourth reason is that he has made every effort to continue with the spiritual and artistic separation, to expand his social cultural circle, to select, optimize, refine and surpass himself, strive to climb to the peak of literary arts.%陈忠实创作道路具有重大的文化创造意涵。其一是早期农村生活奠定了作家民间化平民文化情感立场和文化价值观念,打造了鲜明独特的民族化、乡土化、地域性本土文学底色;其二是对文学与人民、文学与生活、文学与政治关系的明确认知,使作家始终保持与人民母亲的血肉联系;其三是从为谋生而文学走向为实现生命价值和民族复兴而文学,成为夸父追日、精卫填海般勇毅执着文学事业的励志书;其四是不断进行精神的与艺术的“剥离”,不断地拓新自我社会文化圈,不断择优、趋优,定义自我和超越自我,登攀文学艺术高峰。



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