首页> 中文期刊>上海医药 >某区3~6岁本地儿童与外来儿童体格发育及营养状况分析




Objective:To investigate the physical development and nutritional status of the local and migrant children. Methods:The physical examination was performed for 2 692 children aged 3~6 in the public and private kindergartens, the percentile method was used to show their results and《reference values of 5 evaluation indicators of the physical development for the children aged 0~6 in Shanghai suburb(2005)》was used as the evaluation standard. Results:The weight and height indicators of the local children were better than those of the migrant ones;especially the height indicator was more obvious than the weight one. The mild malnutrition rate of the migrant children was higher than that of the local ones. Conclusion:The kindergarten should strengthen the diet nutrition and health management for the children and the health facility should provide the guidance and intervention.%目的:探讨本地儿童与外来儿童生长发育及营养状况。方法:对公立幼儿园和民办幼儿园3~6岁2692名儿童进行体格检查,使用百分位法表示结果,以《上海市郊区0~6岁男(女)儿童体格发育五项指标评价参考值(2005年)》为标准评价。结果:本地儿童体重、身高指标好于外来儿童,身高指标较体重更为明显,外来儿童轻度营养不良高于本地儿童。结论:幼儿园应加强儿童膳食营养和保健管理,卫生机构进行指导和干预。



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