首页> 中文期刊>求是学刊 >宋代'田制不立'新探




As an important academic system, the theory of "disestablishment of limitation on possession of land" is derived from the declination of theory of "dividing land equally" of Mid-Tang Dynasty, namely, the non-existence of system of land in Song Dynasty. However in History of Song Dynasty, the original sentence of "disestablishment of limitation on possession of land" can be found completely, resulting from a general-ization of the memorial to the throne by the writer of History of Song Dynasty. In the understanding of people in Song Dynasty, "system of land" just means "limitation on possession of land", which does not denote any special meaning of "system", nor any comparison with "dividing land equally" of the previous dynasty. Ana-lyzing from academic, logic system and historical materials, "disestablishment of limitation on possession of land" means the disestablishment of "limitation on possession of land". The former refers to an administrative strategy of "dividing service", which can not be mentioned with "dividing land equally" in the same breath.%作为一种具有较大影响的学术概念体系,"田制不立"说由中唐"均田制"崩溃说延续而来,意即到宋代不复存在土地制度.但是,<宋史>所云"田制不立"的原文在<宋会要>中全文收录,系宋<国史>作者概括上奏者的奏文而提出.在宋人的理解当中,"田制"就是"限田",并没有作为"制度"的特殊含义,也没有暗含将其与前代的"均田制"作对比的隐前提.从学术逻辑体系及史料考订等方面综合分析,"田制不立"印"限田"不立,是关于"均役"的行政事务举措,不是在制度层面作为一种能与"均田制"(假设存在这个制度)相提并论的制度.



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