首页> 中文期刊> 《老龄科学研究》 >中国城乡老年人自杀意念研究




Using the data of the Sampling Surveys of the Aged Population in Urban/Rural China 2010, the paper analyzes the incidence rate of suicide ideation of Chinese urban/rural elderly and its inlfuencing factors, so as to ifnd an effective way to reduce the suicide rates of elderly people. Base on factor analysis and regression analysis, we have found that higher loneliness, lower subjective well-being, uniflially children and needing daily care are the important trigger factors in the production of suicidal ideation of both urban elderly and the rural elderly. Compare with the no depression people in urban, the depressed elderly are more likely to have suicidal thoughts. For rural elderly, chronic diseases are the important effect factors that can cause the generation of suicidal ideation.%基于中国老龄科学研究中心2010年"中国城乡老年人口状况追踪调查"数据,对中国城乡老年人口自杀意念状况进行分析,并通过因素分析和回归分析探讨影响老年人自杀意念产生的重要因素,以期寻找降低老年人自杀意念率的有效方法.结果发现,不管是城市老年人还是农村老年人,常有孤独感、主观幸福感低、子女不孝顺、日常生活需要别人照料等,是引发其产生自杀意念的重要因素.城乡对比来看,患有抑郁症等心理问题是城市老年人产生自杀意念的重要因素,而患有慢性疾病等躯体问题是农村老年人产生自杀意念的重要因素.



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