首页> 中文期刊> 《粮油食品科技》 >惰性粉在稻谷储藏中的应用技术




The application of inert dust in paddy storage in the condition of high temperature and high hu-midity was studied.The new technology to mix inert dust with the paddy of the surface layer (150 mg/kg)and set insect prevention line was compared with common practice grain storage technology.The re-sults indicated that during 19 months,the insect density was 4 head /kg paddy in the treatment warehouse on October 2013,and at that time the fumigation with aluminium phosphide was carried out.There was nearly no insect in the warehouse till April 2014.To the control warehouse,the insect density was 28 head /kg in July 2013,and 24 head /kg in October 2013,and 16 head /kg in April 2014,and three times of fumigations with aluminium phosphide were implemented in corresponding month.So with the applica-tion of inert dust the fumigations in treatment warehouse was 2 times less than in the control′s,therefore reduce the grain loss and save labor.No adverse effects on grain quality occurred.So the application of the inert dust in grain storage area presentes good prospects,deserved popularization.%采用惰性粉在高温高湿的粮库开展稻谷储藏应用研究,通过对平房仓储藏稻谷进行惰性粉粮面拌合(150 mg/kg)和设置防虫线,与应用常规储粮技术的对照仓进行比较研究,结果表明:试验仓,在1年7个月的储藏时间内,仅在2013年10月检测到储粮害虫密度4头/kg,于2013年10月份进行了1次磷化铝熏蒸杀虫,储藏至今(2014年4月)还属基本无虫粮。对照仓,在2013年储藏期间虫害两次达到严重虫粮等级,即7月份检测虫害密度28头/kg,10月份检测虫害密度24头/kg,进行了两次磷化铝熏蒸杀虫;在2014年4月,储粮接近严重虫粮等级,又进行了第3次熏蒸。由此可见惰性粉储粮技术的应用,试验仓熏蒸次数比对照仓少2次,降低了储粮过程中的虫蚀损耗,减少了粮食保管成本及保化人员的劳动强度,而且对粮食储藏品质未见不良影响。因此,惰性粉储粮技术具有良好的应用前景,值得在以后的储粮中推广应用。



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