首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >流光溢彩--谈王家卫电影的光影魅力




Light and shadow, as an important way of expressing modeling language, has always been the emphasis of filmmakers. Karwai Wong's films use expressive light and shadow to shape segmented and broken spaces, in which the personalities and in-ner emotions of characters are expressed through the establish-ment of scenes and atmosphere, and meanwhile, expressive light and shadow is used to pursue aesthetic visual effect and artistic realm. The art of light and shallow in Karwai Wong's films is a kind of abstract visual language symbol and a kind of highly ab-stract truth, therefore, he has successfully expanded the creation space of films and the technique of expression.%光影作为造型语言的重要表现手段,历来受到电影工作者的重视。王家卫电影利用表现性光影塑造出分割、破碎的空间;以光影塑造场景氛围,烘托气氛,表现角色的性格特征和内心情感;运用表现性光影追求唯美的视觉效果和艺术境界。王家卫电影的光影艺术是一种抽象的视觉语言符号,是一种高度抽象化的真实,王家卫的成功尝试拓展了电影的创作空间和表现手法。



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