首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >试论如何在中等职业教育的物理教学中培养学生实践能力




随着社会的进步和经济的发展,社会对职业技术岗位的需求越来越大,中等职业教育得到了迅速的发展。新一轮的课改要求教育以培养学生的创新能力与实践能力为主,中等职业学校作为教育的前沿阵地也肩负着培养学生实践能力的主要责任。本文阐述了培养学生实践能力的重要性,介绍了如何在中职物理课堂中培养学生实践能力的方式方法,如进行实验教学、培养解题能力、获取知识的能力以及通过手工制作培养动手能力等。%With social progress and economic development, social demands for vocational and technical posts are increasingly growing, which results in a rapid development of secondary voca-tional education. The new round of curriculum reform requires that education should be dominated by the cultivation of students' innovative and practical abilities, while secondary vocational schools, as the forward position of education, shoulder the main responsibility in cultivating students' practical ability. The im-portance of the cultivation of students' practical ability is ex-pounded in this paper, and the methods of the cultivation are in-troduced, including experimental teaching, the cultivation of problem-solving ability and the ability of acquiring knowledge, and the cultivation of hands-on ability by handwork.



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