首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >母语负迁移对英语时态学习的影响及对策




Language transfer is a common phenomenon in learn-ing a second language. Learners can be affected in the aspects including vocabulary, grammar, passage and writing format. Con-cerning the asymmetry of tense between English and Chinese, and tense as a key and difficult point in the teaching of high school English, it is of great necessity to discuss the effect of lan-guage transfer on learning English tense. With the teaching expe-rience of the authoress over the past years, the paper deeply ana-lyzes the teaching of tense in high school from the decomposed perspective of time and aspect, which offers a new perspective and concept for both teaching and learning.%母语负迁移现象是非常普遍的语言学习现象,学习者在词汇、语法、篇章和书写等方面都不同程度地受其影响。考虑到英汉语法巨大差异导致时态概念的不对等,以及时态是中学英语教学的一个难点和重点,研究母语负迁移对英语时态学习的影响是很有必要的。根据笔者多年教学经验,从“时”和“态”分解的视角对中学英语的时态教学进行深入分析,为老师教学和学生学习时态提供新的视角和理念。



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